Spessartite Garnet
Also known as “Spessartine” this lively garnet is usually orange to reddish-brown and is somewhat rare. Most spessartites especially orange ones, have eye-visible inclusions. Manganese is the element in Spessartiet ...Read More
Tsavorite Garnet
If you’re contemplating green gemstones, one rare but beautiful alternative to emerald is a Tsavorite garnet. Tsavorite garnet is one of the most important varieties of grossularite garnet. It was ...Read More
Garnet, January Birthstone, 2nd Wedding Anniversary
Garnets are a group of silicate minerals that have been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives. All species of garnets possess similar physical properties and crystal forms ...Read More

Garnet, January Birthstone, 2nd Wedding Anniversary