Necklace, Rose Quartz, White Freshwater Pearls, Large Pink Baroque Drop, 14KW

(approximately 13 x 15mm each)
White freshwater pearls @3.7 x 3mm each
and tiny 14KW “Quad spacer beads” make up this 24″
endless necklace with a lustrous large pink baroque pearl
( 18.7 x 29.44mm) dropping from the center.
Think Pink!

SKU: 270493
Categories: Laurie Donovan, Necklaces, Shop Jewelry
Tags: Fine Jewelry Repairs, Hand made, Hand made in Lenox MA, hand made necklace, In the Berkshires, Jewelers in Lenox, Jewelers in the Berkshires, Jewelry in Lenox MA, Jewelry made in Lenox MA, Large Pink Baroque Pearl, Laurie Donovan Original, Lenox, Lenox Jewelers, Lenox Jewelery, Lenox MA, Made in Lenox MA, Pink Baroque Pearl, Repairs to Fine Jewelry, Rose Quartz, Rose Quartz Necklace, Shopping in Lenox, Shopping in Lenox MA, Tanglewood